Assistance and breakdown services

Vehicles with specific needs
Following the development of on-line sales and the increase in the number of deliveries, commercial vehicles have become key players in last-mile logistics and are increasingly present on our roads and motorways.
Mostly used for transporting goods or materials, they cover many kilometres every year.
Although preventive maintenance and good upkeep of your vehicles can limit the risk of breakdowns, you never know whether something unexpected may happen when you're on the move.
The 'commercial vehicles' category covers different types of vehicle, from simple vans to fully-equipped pick-ups.
Because of their size, as with road tractors and HGVs, it's essential to call on a network of qualified breakdown mechanics with the necessary equipment for optimum handling.

Specialist assistance that puts your mobility first
We offer insurance products that guarantee assistance and breakdown services tailored to the specific needs of your commercial vehicles. Our teams are available 24/7, wherever you are in Europe.
Our network experts ensure the quality of the work carried out by our repairers. They ensure that our service providers have the tools and equipment they need to take optimum care of your vehicle.
Whether your vehicle is immobilised due to a breakdown, a flat tyre, a flat battery or any other unexpected event, our service providers will do everything in their power to get your vehicle back on the road.
We know that the continuity of your business is essential and that time is of the essence. Thanks to our dense network, we can guarantee the arrival of a tow truck or workshop vehicle in less than an hour in 80% of cases. *
If it’s not possible to repair on scene the vehicle, we can also offer to find and provide you with a replacement vehicle.
*Truck business 2022

We take care of your drivers
We do everything we can to make sure your drivers feel supported when problems arise during their road trips.
If your vehicle can't be repaired on the spot and towing is necessary, we put in place solutions that guarantee the mobility and safety of your drivers:
- Hotels booked so that they can wait for the garage to open or for repairs to be completed.
- Transfer by taxi from the garage to the hotel.
- Drop off at their homes or at your company.
- Medical assistance, including abroad.
Supporting your drivers is our priority.